The End…
“The End.”
For an author, those words are magical but so elusive—and this summer, they were mine! Just a few weeks ago, I finally typed The End on the first draft of my next novel, which is set to launch in May 2023.
Of course, there’s plenty of hard work still ahead — at least three major revisions and many, many tweaks, because it’s a long, long journey between what I’m trying to convey and what my reader receives. My job is to make sure that journey is both simple and rich, straightforward and nuanced, direct but with plenty of meaningful detours. I want you to both understand the story I’ve told but also have it mingle and weave with your own thoughts and unique experiences. My hope is that the book will sing to everyone—but in intimate and personal ways.
Given how much is still ahead, what does it mean to write The End at this stage?
It means the story hangs together as a whole—with characters I love, a plot that tests them to their core, relationships that connect them deeply with one another, and a setting that both challenges and elevates them. But most important, it means I’ve zeroed in on a theme—my own take on life, love, the universe, and more—that I hope will make you think… “Wow! I love that!!”
Authors Night 2022
Summer Events
In addition to writing those two magic words, one of the highlights of my summer was appearing at AUTHORS NIGHT 2022—a fundraiser for the East Hampton Library on Long Island. So fun signing books alongside Katie Couric, Tina Brown, Delia Ephron, and about 196 other authors! But the best part was meeting readers who stopped to chat and pick up a signed copy of THE LILAC HOUSE! How lucky that it was a spectacular summer evening, with a fresh breeze and a starry sky!
At Shelter Island Public Library
Another highlight was appearing at the Shelter Island Library and getting to meet a range of people including these amazing librarians. What a wonderful group of talented, dedicated professionals!
Book Club Appearances
And I’m now lining up both in-person and remote book-club and library appearances for the fall. Looking for an author to visit? I’d love to hear from you!!