Posts by Barbara Josselsohn
“People Who Do Things!”
I love podcasts — so I was especially thrilled to be invited to join the discussion for the latest episode of “People Who Do Things,” a thoughtful and always eye-opening look at creativity in all its forms. Please check out the whole series — I think you’ll enjoy it!
Read MoreMeet my newest book! Introducing SECRETS OF THE ITALIAN ISLAND
I am so very excited to share with you the title, cover, and description of my upcoming release, SECRETS OF THE ITALIAN ISLAND! This book is so special to me, and I hope it will prove special to you, too! I’ve always loved historical fiction, and I am thrilled to step into this genre. SECRETS…
Read MoreNew Years Resolutions, Billy Elliott, and Feeling Alive
Happy new year! Do you have a New Year’s Resolution? Read on for mine – and how it ties into one of my latest releases! But first… did you ever see Billy Elliot the Musical? I was lucky enough to see it on Broadway years ago, and I adored it. What I remember most is…
Read MoreFavorite places, a giveaway, and all the book news
Happy December! Whatever your tradition is, I hope you’re enjoying the season! I took a break from writing last week to spend time at my favorite places.The New York Public Library had a special exhibit featuring Charles Dickens’ notebooks, inkwell, glasses, and other items – I get chills just thinking that he touched those objects…
Read MoreWinter Drinks and Fuzzy Socks Giveaway, Bucket Lists and more!
You know how it feels to cross something big off your bucket list? My bucket list got a little lighter last month as I set foot on the beautiful island of Oahu! I can’t remember a time in my life when I didn’t want to visit Hawaii. But for a New Yorker like me, Hawaii…
Read MoreImprobably Yours by Kerry Anne King
A heartfelt journey, a grandmother’s love, a quirky setting, some well-intentioned ghosts, an unusual cast of characters, and a satisfying love story—who else but Kerry Anne King could bake up these ingredients into a magical, moving, and totally delightful story? A pleasure from start to finish, and so classically Kerry! Out on Oct. 18, pre-order…
Read MoreThe End…
“The End.” For an author, those words are magical but so elusive—and this summer, they were mine! Just a few weeks ago, I finally typed The End on the first draft of my next novel, which is set to launch in May 2023. Of course, there’s plenty of hard work still ahead — at least…
Read MoreFather-daughter memoir duo: Out of the Corner and Master of Ceremonies
I can’t get enough of celebrity memoirs, especially ones written long after the intensity of fame has cooled. I love seeing how famous people make sense of their strange ascent to stardom—and how they manage once the descent sets in. This summer, I treated myself to an intriguing duo—MASTER OF CEREMONIES (published in 2016) by…
Read MoreAndrea Hoffman Goes All In by Diane Cohen Schneider
So excited to have gotten an early peek at this amazing debut by my pal Diane Cohen Schneider. It’s even better than I expected! Andrea Hoffman is an overeducated, underemployed, and unmotivated recent college graduate–until an unexpected robbery blasts her out of her funk and into a job in the finance world of early-1980s Chicago.…
Read MoreWhat does it mean to go home?
What does it mean to go home? I’ve been asking myself that question, having just spent a few weeks on Long Island, where I grew up. I wasn’t prepared for how strange it felt to settle in – to travel on the streets I would drive on when I was a kid, to visit restaurants…
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